Chris Weber

Access Consciousness Practitioner

Is this the possibility you've been looking for?

What Is Access?

The words “consciousness” or "conscious" often conjure up lofty ideas, thoughts of progressive-sounding ideologies, or grand concepts of spirituality.

This is actually a bit more simple.

“Consciousness” in this context is simply awareness.

It’s about being more aware of what’s within ourselves and all that we can be and it’s about being more aware of the world that we live in as well as what it could be.

More awareness means more choice which means a possibility for a better future, on an individual level or on a larger scale.

Access is one way of having that.

Who Is Access For?

Access is for anyone who's willing to receive what it's offering.

In particular, it does however tend to be appealing to people who...

  • ... are experiencing stress in their lives that they would like to overcome or relax out of
  • ... haven't yet had the success they'd like to have in life but would like to work on achieving more in life
  • ... have felt that they haven't quite fit into the world as it currently exists and would like to find what works for them personally in life
  • ... did everything "right" in life and still feel unfulfilled or as if there must be something more
  • ... have been through traumas or significant struggles that they'd like to overcome
  • ... are just dissatisfied with the overall state of the world and looking for a different, brighter future for our world
  • ... just know that a different, bigger, better reality should be possible
  • ... are bored with an ordinary life and up for the adventure of exploring consciousness

Basically, Access is ideal for anyone who is looking for some real change in any area of life or in the world... whether that's just more relaxation and ease in your day-to-day life, or if you know you're ready for something big to change in your life.

It's available to everyone though and there is nothing too small to be facilitated with the tools of Access.

Is it calling to you?

What Options Are Available?

There are many options including...

Additional possibilities with Access beyond what I currently offer include...