
About Access

Access Consciousness, or "Access" as we call it, is about empowering people to be more aware and to know that they have choice with everything in life.

It's about recognizing that our own choices create everything that we experience in life, that if we'd like to change anything in our lives, we can do so by simply making different choices, and also about starting to become aware of just how much choice we actually do have and how much greater our lives can actually be.

It's about living from question rather than trying to have absolute conclusions about anything or trying to promote definitive answers as the solution to anything in life... always looking for what else is possible and how much more awareness we can have with everything and being willing to change and adapt to new information as our awareness grows.

In the bigger picture, Access is about inviting people to a world that functions from more awareness, where we have less judgment and more openness with others, less conflict and more pragmatism, less struggle and more possibilities, and in which the Earth and those living on it will have a sustainable future.

About Chris

an image of Chris

I first discovered Access in 2011 in the most timely of ways, just as I needed to make some major changes in my life and fast. Since then, every day has been a new day to look for how my life can be even greater and take action to work on getting there.

I've discovered an elegant beauty in the ways that the universe we live in will respond to the actions we take, presenting different paths to possible futures that diverge from the standard "point A to point B" paths that we're taught to take, and allowing us to make the most of the journey and receive all the information, growth, fun, joy, and contributions that are available along the way.

After thirteen years of working with Access to transform my life into something continuously greater — having started with impossible-seeming struggles and now increasingly knowing that I have within me the ability to always be more, have more, and contribute more to the world around me — I'm now offering my services as an Access Facilitator for others who know that something more should be possible and who are ready to choose it... or at least to take the next steps down a road that will take you beyond where you think you can go, through a journey that's greater than you could imagine...

What contribution could I be to you?

Questions? Curious?