Why should you want to read about “being you”?
Isn’t that something you should know more than anyone about?
Well… yes, which is why I’m going to offer you some questions, rather than answers, to invite you to explore your own awareness and knowing about you in ways that you may not have done before.
And why would you not already be totally you, in order for there to be any room for exploration at all?
There are a lot of ways that you can learn to become someone or something that isn’t you.
From the time we’re young, our parents teach us how to be in the world… sometimes useful things, sometimes imposing their own points of view on us. And then teachers and authority figures continue to impose ideas on us. Our peers and basically everyone around us all have their own judgments and points of view of what’s acceptable or not, what people will validate, or what people will look down on us for. The media and advertising continue to perpetrate this type of enforcement of what’s socially acceptable and how you should strive to be and look.
Ideas of how you should or should not be, or live your own life are everywhere.
Everyone has their ideas of the correct or incorrect ways that you should be. Not to mention the needs and expectations that people have of you.
But how often does anyone ask you how you would like to be? … who you would like to be? … what you would like to choose in your own life?
And if you look to others to determine who and how you should be, it’s okay. You may end up with a life that you’re okay with… and for some people, actually happy with. But for a lot of us, that’s a way to just have a life that’s okay at best… or one that, deep down, we’re not very happy with at all.
Is that enough for you, just having an okay life, or a socially correct image that underneath it, you’re not truly happy with?
Or would you like to have a life that truly makes you happy to wake up to each day and live it?
If you would, and if no one has ever actually asked you what you would like to choose before then these are a couple of questions you can start asking to see what awareness comes from them and where it takes you…
If I were truly being me today, who would I be?
If I were truly being me today, what would I choose?
Asking these questions isn’t about finding a new answer, a new definition of you, or “finding yourself” in a definitive way.
It’s about opening up a space of curiosity and a willingness to explore different choices and different ways of being.
It facilitates the ability to grow, and transform, and evolve into increasingly greater versions of who and what you can be... and what you’re capable of creating as your own life.
Even if you’re someone who has actually been happy with the life you’ve had up to this point, or if you never really considered that you could do any better, or had a need to… if you’ve read this far, this is something you can explore if you’re willing.
It’s not about making you wrong for the life that you’ve had up until now or saying that it’s not enough. It’s just about the willingness to question what else is possible that you haven’t considered before.
And what will your life be like in the future if you start to ask these questions and actually receive whatever awareness you may get from them?